6. I love picnics. One time, my siblings and I microwaved hotdogs and took them to the park. I don't really remember much else but that it was a lot of fun. One summer, my siblings and I travelled all around the UK by train. We would make chicken drumsticks and sandwiches for our trip. I remember Bern falling asleep in Oxford and having to carry her everywhere, and people looking at us and wondering what a bunch of young kids were doing wandering around town.
7. I watch movies from the middle to the end. Gary hates it when I do that, but sometimes there's a movie on and I'll just turn it on. Or, it's a movie I've seen that I've either forgotten how it ends, or I liked the ending so I just watch the end part!
That's all I've got. Onto the next meme!!
Well this blog meme was sent to me by my sister. This is very much a motherhood-themed meme as the questions imply that we don't have much time to complete the tasks as we're too busy looking after the kiddos. So that being said, I won't be sad if you don't read this to the end.
Some ground rules to start:
- Post the rules
- When answering the questions, please give as much detail as possible
- Leave a comment on Sex, drugs, rocker and stroller, baby so we can keep track of the meme and totally steal your routine tips to make our worlds a happier place
- Tag 3 or more people and link them to your blog
... do your laundry?
Usually on weekends, although I sometimes do a load mid-week that sits there for a few days before I get it folded and put away. I have about 3 loads of clothes I need to hang up in my closet. I won't say no to some help if someone wants to come over!
...write a blog post?
I used to blog once a week on sonia-gary-lydia.blogspot.com. Then that changed to once every couple of weeks, to once a month, to totally not. Now I have this new blog. I worried about consistency of posts at first but when I feel obligated to blog, I find I have no creative juices at all. So now I blog whenever I have something to say.
...look after yourself?... i.e. wash your hair, paint your nails, take a bubble bath etc?
I don't particularly care for bubble baths. Washing my hair isn't really a luxury - isn't that just a necessity in the course of hygiene?! So I do that every other day when I'm in my daily morning shower. I do paint my nails and have done so since I was 14 years old. I've probably only gone a few months since then without nail varnish on my nails. I have noticed that I am less inclined to freak out when my nail varnish is chipping off though. I probably do my nails once a week, as in I do them myself as I don't trust anyone else to touch them!
...spend time with your other half?
We spend every evening together, unless I'm working. We usually get a couple of hours after Lydia goes to bed. We rarely go on date night. Even before Lydia was born, we rarely had date nights. We went places and spent time together, but it was rare that it was a planned night out for the purpose of romance and love! My reasoning is: 1. We're content with being a family all the time. 2. My husband is incredibly unromantic. You can try to change him if you want - I still try even after 12 years
...do fun stuff with your LO?
All the time. We try to go somewhere on the weekends. We go to hockey. We spend time in the evening playing.
...spend time with family?
I see my father-in-law at least once a week. My family is all in England, so maybe once a year.
...socialise with friends?
Usually a couple of times a month. Not too often as I don't really need it and I talk to lots of people at work. Every time I go back home I get to see friends too.
...prepare an evening meal juggling a baby/toddler bedtime routine?
I call it, 'My husband'. I am really irritable when I'm hungry, so if I'm trying to spend time with Lydia too, it's even worse. If I'm not rushed (like on weekends) I don't mind cooking, or if Gary really really doesn't want to cook for some reason. Otherwise Gary's pretty good at cooking if I tell him what to cook. This is probably the best thing about my husband and it takes a lot of stress off me because I get home from work a lot later than he does and I used to hate having to figure out dinner to eat half an hour after I walked into the door because I wouldn't have time to even sit down. He eventually just fell into the routine of doing it most of the time.
...deep clean your house?
I have no idea what that means. If you'd like to come to my house and show me, please feel free to do so.
...do the food shopping?
Gary and I go food shopping usually on the weekend.
...bulk ironing?
Seriously? No way. We had to iron masses of shirts for my Dad when we were growing up. I don't think there's anything I detest more. My brother hates painting because we had to paint the house every summer too. I still have a few items of clothing that I haven't worn for about a year because they require ironing. The only reason I iron these days is if I have something I'm sewing that needs to be ironed! Why iron when there are dry cleaners? And I don't have enough money for dry cleaners so I just buy clothes that don't need to be ironed, or things that will straighten themselves out once they've been hung up in my closet for long enough!!
That's all, folks. I'm not a very good tagger so if you feel like filling out these questions, feel free to do so. Follow the rules better than I do ;)
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