Lydia's always had a fear of noises. When she describes her fears, she talks about fireworks, thunder and, oh, scary toilets*. So considering this is one of the biggest fears in her life right now, it's hard to figure out what to do about it. Do I just let her pee in the bushes for the next few years? Hold it in until she gets home? Let her pee in the sink? Believe me, all of those options crossed my mind!
Here's the best answer I found from trawling the internet**. Post-it notes. I'm going to be telling Lydia to choose her own post-it notes so that when we encounter the monstrous automatic flushing toilet, we can deactivate the sensor by sticking a post-it note over it. How brilliant is that? We'll see how it works.
*They are so scary that even the NY Times wrote an article about them a few years back.
**Yes, I did google, 'What to do when your pre-schooler is scared of automatic-flushing toilets'.